Tuesday, September 13, 2016


Hey everyone,

My name is Kyle Smokovitz and aviation has been a part of my life since before I was even born. My great-grandfather, grandfather, and father all have their pilots certificates, so flying is just in my blood. I went for my first airplane ride when I was just less than two months old and have since lost track of how many times I have been in an airplane. Not only have I flown a tremendous number of times, but I am also constantly watching airplanes takeoff and land since I live on the Brighton Airport (45G). Fortunately I am not the only one in the family that can say they live on an airport. My grandfather lives on the Tecumseh Merillat airport (34G), which is just south of Ann Arbor.

Due to the fact that I have always been around aviation, it was always a goal of mine to be able to fly on my own. Luckily last June I passed my private pilot check ride to make that dream come true, and have never looked backed. Not only did I accomplish my own goal, but I was able to make my grandfather and father very proud by becoming a fourth generation pilot, a moment that they have been waiting for ever since I was born. Since then, I have been flying constantly and am currently working on finishing up my commercial certificate.

Flying is not just a hobby for me like it is for my dad, It will eventually be my career. I am currently a senior in the aviation management program at Eastern Michigan University. I just switched to this major last fall, and can't wait to finish classes so that I will be able to enter the industry. I will graduate this upcoming summer, summer of 2017.

Even though I will earn an aviation management degree, my intent is to fly for a living. Within the next few months, I plan to be flying for a Part 91 company out of Pontiac airport. This will most likely include and aircraft fleet containing TBM's, Beechcraft King Airs, and Cessna Citations. From there, I hope be be hired by a larger corporate company such as Pentastar Aviation in order to accumulate enough hours to become a Captain. Once hitting the required number of hours and certificates to become a Captain, my ultimate goal is to either be hired on with Delta Air Lines or a Fortune 100 company.

Since I am currently interested in flying with a Part 91 company out of Pontiac, Michigan, it would be very nice to hear from one of those pilots or even the owner of one of those companies. This would help be gauge how interested I will actually be in the everyday tasks required from that job. Going along with what my career goals are, it would also be nice to hear from a pilot of one of the larger corporate companies. I have heard great things by multiple pilots from Pentastar Aviation, so it would be nice to hear from an even larger corporate company, such as a Fortune 100 company.

The current pilot shortage is a huge topic of interest within the aviation community; however, almost every time you talk to someone about it, you hear different details. I would be very interested in learning more about this shortage and the different details associated with it such as how severe the shortage is, how long it is estimated to last, how it will effect pilot salaries, etc. Another topic of interest that I would like to learn more about is the idea of automation. Technology in the automotive industry is tremendous and rumors are that our cars will be driving us around in the near future. With this technology, is it possible that it will also be incorporated into the aviation community? I know it is hard to predict now, but it would be nice to have somewhat of an idea if I will still be able to fly for a living in 30 years or if planes with completely fly themselves around.

If you have any questions feel free to let me know.

Thank you,
Kyle Smokovitz

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